Tuesday, 4 June 2013

FUTSAL Academy in Berkshire, England (United Kingdom)

  • Ever wondered how some of the world’s most skilful players developed their ability to beat opponents at will?
  •      What did they do as youngsters that provided them with the basis to becoming some of the world’s best players?

    --> If you want the answer then you need to learn more about a game called  “FUTSAL”
Futsal is a game that develops individual close ball skills through an increased number of touches during the game. Players are nearly always placed in reduced space situations and are constantly forced to make decisions demanding speed of thought and quick reflexes. On average a player will touch the ball twelve times more than in 11-a-side football. Essentially 5-a-side but with some twists on how the game is currently played, Futsal has been designed to provide a high paced, energetic, fast flowing game for spectators at the same time as allowing players to be at their most creative by protecting those showing attacking flair.

The end-to-end, non-stop, goalmouth action has proven a hit with the fans as the number of professional leagues in the world game grows every year. Russia, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Japan and Argentina all have professional leagues along with Spain, whose league regularly attracts over thirty thousand spectators a week to its games! Players like Messi, Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo, Xavi, Iniesta and many more big football stars also started their career with futsal which gave them amazing skills and playing tricks. Futsal court is made of hard material such as wood instead of grass. If you love energetic games, you must join Futsal Academy. Joining Reading Futsal Academy is the best option for youngsters, 4 to 18 years old, who are located in Berkshire, England.

Reading Futsal Academy coaches have a lot of experience in coaching young children in England and abroad. It has one of the best FA Futsal Level 1 coach also an UEFA B Football Coach and currently managing a Futsal team in first Division of FA National Futsal League. All the coaches are CRB Checked and in possession of relevant coaching certificates and first aid. Coaches speak fluent English, Portuguese, Spanish and have a Good level of French language. “Reading Futsal Academy” is most preferred FUTSAL Academy in Berkshire England.

For enquiries and registrations, you can contact:

f.silva@readingfutsalacademy.com / registration@readingfutsalacademy.com

Call:  07774 067 960

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RGFutsalAcademy